Frequently Asked Questions

Does acupuncture hurt?

Most people feel minimal discomfort as the needles are inserted. The sensation can vary from a slight pinch to a dull ache or tingling.

Is acupuncture safe?

When performed by a trained and licensed practitioner, acupuncture is generally safe. Risks are minimal but can include minor bleeding, bruising, or soreness at needle sites.

How should I prepare for an acupuncture session?

Wear loose, comfortable clothing, eat a light meal beforehand, and avoid strenuous activities immediately before and after the session.

How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions varies depending on the condition being treated and individual response. Some people experience relief after one session, while others may require multiple treatments over several weeks.

When will I see results?

Some people feel immediate relief, while others may need a few sessions to notice significant changes. Chronic conditions often take longer to respond.

Can acupuncture be combined with other treatments?

Yes, acupuncture can be used alongside conventional medical treatments and other complementary therapies.

What should I expect during a session?

A session typically involves a brief consultation, followed by the insertion of needles, which remain in place for 15-30 minutes while you relax.

Are there any side effects?

Common side effects are minor and include slight bleeding, bruising, or dizziness. Serious side effects are rare when performed by a qualified practitioner.

Do you accept HSA accounts?

Yes, through my booking software I am able to process HSA debit cards as a qualified healthcare service.